DDiissppllaayyiinngg EEPPGG SSuummmmaarryy ooff ootthheerr CChhaannnneellss
> While the menu EPG Summary is being displayed, press the green function key.
A list of EPG channels will be displayed
> Use the arrow keys to mark the required channel.
> Press the OK key to display the EPG Summary of the selected channel. EPG Search
The EPG Search function allows you to search for specific types of programmes. The search
criteria available are Date, Time Period and Programme Type. The search will only be
carried out among those channels for which the EPG function has been activated. In order to
initiate an EPG Search, proceed as follows:
> Press the EPG key to display the EPG table
> Press the blue function key
The EPG Search menu will be displayed
> Now, if required, use the numeric key pad to enter a date for the EPG search.
> By pressing the right arrow key you can move the marker to the "from, to"
columns, where you can also enter the time period by means of the numeric key
PPrrooggrraammmmee TTyyppee
In this field you can enter the type of programme that should be identified by the EPG
> Use the right arrow key to mark the column Programme Type.
bed_anl_TechniBox CAM1plus_engl.qxd 30.03.01 14:50 Seite 26