
Chapter 2 Descender Mode
Third Command - ^M0303020s
^M Horizontal orientation of characters.
03 Character height of 0.3 inches (0.76 cm).
03 Character width of 0.3 inches (0.76 cm).
02 Justified down 0.2 inches (0.51 cm).
0 No additional dot rows of justification
s Data to be printed.
Fourth Command - ^M0303000s^-
^M Horizontal orientation of characters.
03 Character height of 0.3 inches (0.76 cm).
03 Character width of 0.3 inches (0.76 cm).
00 No justification down.
0 No additional dot rows of justification
s Data to be printed.
Descender Mode
The Descender Mode is recognized only within a Graphics Pass (^M, ^V, ^E,
or ^U has been previously sent). It can be toggled on and off as often as
desired within a Graphics Pass, and it is terminated when the Graphics Pass
terminates. The amount of space reserved for descenders is defined as two
dot rows for each 0.1 inches (0.25 cm) of character height. There are two
different formats for the Descender Mode. These can be toggled from the
control panel via the Descender option in the Graphics Category menu to
either Fixed or Auto.
If set to Fixed the descender gap is always present whenever theDescender
Mode is turned on, even if no descenders are printed.
If set to Auto, the descender gap appears only when descenders are printed.
if no descenders are printed, the gap is closed.
When Descender Mode is toggled off, all lower-case characters with
descenders are moved up so that the bottom of each descender rests on the
baseline. Lower-case characters without descenders appear the same
whether Descender Mode is ON or OFF.
NOTE: All Graphics Passes start in the default Non-Descender Mode.
Command ^D
Example 1: ^M0202000j^Dj^Dy^Dy^- prints: