2 - 2 MC9090-G RFID User Guide Suppliment
Table 2-1
Status Icons
Icon Function Description
Speaker Turns all sounds on and off.
Battery Backup battery is very low.
Main battery is charging.*
Main battery is low.
Main battery is very low.
Main battery is full.*
Connectivity Connection is active.
GPRS available.
GPRS in use.
EGPRS available.
EGPRS in use.
Synchronization is occurring.
WWAN Call missed.
Voice call.
Voice call in progress.
Calls are forwarded.
Call on hold.
Antenna/signal icon: wireless on/good signal.
Antenna/signal icon: wireless off.
Antenna/signal icon: no service or searching.
Roaming icon. Outside of the home area.
Missing SIM Card icon: SIM Card not installed or installed improperly.
Instant Message Notification that one or more instant messages were received.
E-Mail Notification that one or more e-mail messages were received.
* Only appears in the Time and Next Appointment dialog box.