Getting Started 1 - 3
Table 1-1 lists the accessories available for the MC909X:
Table 1-1
MC9090-G RFID Accessories
Accessory Description
Cable Adapter Module
Snap-on required to connect the following cables to the mobile computer.
AC line cord (country-specific) and power supply, charges the mobile
Auto charge cable, charges the mobile computer using a vehicle’s
cigarette lighter.
DEX cable, connects the mobile computer to a vending machine.
Serial cable, adds serial communication capabilities.
USB cable, adds USB communication capabilities.
Printer cable, adds printer communication capabilities.
Four Slot Charge Only
Charges the mobile computer main battery.
Four Slot Ethernet Cradle Charges the mobile computer main battery and synchronizes the mobile
computer with a host computer through an Ethernet connection.
Four Slot Spare Battery
Charges up to four mobile computer spare batteries.
Keypads (Optional) Application specific keypads.
Magnetic Stripe Reader
Snaps on to the mobile computer and adds magstripe read capabilities.
Modem Module Enables data communication between the mobile computer and a host
computer, remotely through the phone lines, and synchronizes information
between the mobile computer and a host computer.
Multimedia Card (MMC) Provides secondary non-volatile storage.
Single Slot Serial/USB
Charges the mobile computer main battery and a spare battery. It also
synchronizes the mobile computer with a host computer through either a serial
or a USB connection.
Software Symbol Mobility Developer Kits available at: http://devzone.symbol.com.
Device Configuration Package (DCPforMC9090c50) and Platform SDK
(PSDK9090c50) for MC9090-G, available at: http://devzone.symbol.com.
Spare lithium-ion battery Replacement battery.
Stylus Performs pen functions.
Universal Battery Charger
Adapts the UBC for use with the Series 9000 batteries.
Wall Mounting Bracket and
Shelf Slide
Use for wall mounting applications.