
TABLE18–4 EJBPoolStatistics
AttributeName DataType Description
numbeansinpool BoundedRangeStatistic Number of EJB’s inthe associated pool,
providing an ideaabout how the pool
is changing.
numthreadswaiting BoundedRangeStatistic Number of threadswaiting for free
beans, giving anindication of possible
congestion of requests.
totalbeanscreated CountStatistic Number of beanscreated in associated
pool since thegathering of data
totalbeansdestroyed CountStatistic Number ofbeans destroyed from
associated pool sincethe gathering of
data started.
jmsmaxmessagesload CountStatistic The maximum number of messagesto
load into aJMS session at one time for
a message-driven beanto serve.
Default is 1. Appliesonly to pools for
message driven beans.
The statistics available for EJB caches are listed in the following table.
TABLE18–5 EJBCache Statistics
AttributeName DataType Description
cachemisses BoundedRangeStatistic Thenumber of times a user requestdoes not
nd a beanin the cache.
cachehits BoundedRangeStatistic The number of times auser request found an
entry in thecache.
numbeansincache BoundedRangeStatistic The number of beans inthe cache. This is the
current size ofthe cache.
numpassivations CountStatistic Number ofpassivated beans. Applies only to
stateful session beans.
numpassivationerrors CountStatistic Number of errorsduring passivation. Applies
only to statefulsession beans.
numexpiredsessionsremoved CountStatistic Number of expired sessions removed bythe
cleanup thread. Appliesonly to stateful
session beans.
Chapter18 • MonitoringComponents andServices 179