
OFF- Disables monitoring.
Enter a value for the Message History. The default is 25. Click the Reset button to clear all
statistics and the running averages are restarted.
Viewing Web Service Statistics
Enterprise Server provides capabilities to track and graphically display the operational statistics
of a web service.
View monitoring statistics at Applications > Web Services > web-service-name | Monitor |
Statistics. The statistics available are:
Response time in milli seconds on any successful or unsuccessful operation (Maximum,
Minimum, Average).
Total number of requests
Total number of faults, including URI of the endpoint where the fault originated
Total number of authentication failures
Total number of authorization success
Monitoring Web Service Messages
You can also congure a web service to view messages (default is 25) for a web service endpoint.
These messages are stored in the memory of remote server instances. Details of SOAP request,
response, and HTTP header information are displayed.
Monitor web service messages at Applications > Web Services > web-service-name | Monitor |
When enabled, you can see the last few (default is 25) messages for a web service end point.
These messages are kept in memory of the remote server instances, including details of SOAP
requests and responses and HTTP header information.
Displays a list of messages received for the web service. The number of messages displayed
depends on the monitoring conguration.
You can also select a lter to view only the success messages or the failure messages.
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