Appearance care
form this kind of maintenance and treatment if you need assistance.
Repair chips and scratches in the paint as soon as you find them.
Check the interior of the vehicle for water and dirt accumulation under
the floor mats because that could cause corrosion. Occasionally check
under the mats to make sure the area is dry.
Keep your garage dry. Do not park your vehicle in a damp, poorly venti-
lated garage. In such a garage, corrosion can be caused by dampness.
If you wash the vehicle in the garage or put the vehicle into the garage
when wet or covered with snow, that can cause dampness.
If your vehicle is operated in cold weather and/or in areas where road
salts and other corrosive materials are used, the door hinges and locks,
trunk lid lock, and hood latch should be inspected and lubricated peri-
Cleaning aluminum wheels
D Promptly wipe the aluminum wheels clean of any kind of grime or
agent. If dirt is left on too long, it may be difficult to clean off.
D Do not use soap containing grit to clean the wheels. Be sure to use a
neutral cleaning agent, and later rinse thoroughly with water. Do not
clean the wheels with a stiff brush or expose them to a high-speed wash-
ing device.
D Clean the vehicle (including the aluminum wheels) with water as soon
as possible when it has been splashed with sea water, exposed to sea
breezes, or driven on roads treated with salt or other agents.