
The SRS AIRBAG can function only when the ignition switch is in the
“ON” position.
If the impact sensors in the airbag control module and the front sub sen-
sors in both front fenders detect a certain predetermined amount of force
during a frontal collision, the control module sends signals to the airbag
modules instructing them to inflate the SRS AIRBAGs. Then both airbag
modules produce gas, which instantly inflates driver’s and passenger’s
SRS AIRBAGs. After the deployment, the SRS AIRBAGs immediately
start to deflate so that the driver’s vision is not obstructed. The time re-
quired from detecting impact to deflating of the SRS AIRBAGs after de-
ployment is shorter than the blink of eye.
Although it is highly unlikely that the SRS AIRBAG would activate in a
non-accident situation, should it occur, the bag will deflate quickly, not
obscuring vision and will not interfere with the driver’s ability to maintain
control of the vehicle.
When the SRS AIRBAG deploys, a sudden, fairly loud inflation noise will
be heard and some smoke will be released. These occurrences are a
normal result of the chemical reaction in the airbag module. This smoke
does not indicate a fire in the vehicle.
SRS AIRBAG deployment depends on the level of force experienced in
the passenger compartment during a collision. That level differs from
one type of collision to another, and it may have no bearing on the visible
damage done to the vehicle itself.