
Instruction Manual
SNMP: The SNMP menu allows you to congure the CABCONS1716I so it can be
recognized and managed using industry standard Simple Network Management
Protocol software.
RADIUS: The RADIUS server requires the IP address, the UDP port number (1812 -
default or 1645) and the shared secret.
The shared secret is used to encrypt communications and corresponds to a shared
password for the RADIUS server and the client machine. Two additional servers may
be dened for backup purposes. Each server will be tried in order, using the indicated
number of retries and timeout period, which are congurable on the same page.
Remember to enable RADIUS after conguring it. While RADIUS authentication is
enabled, the locally dened accounts on the Server Remote Control unit will not be
used, except for the SSH login. However, if a user name in the form “name.local” is
given at the RADIUS prompt, the system will use “name”; check the password locally,
and skip RADIUS authentication. Delete all local accounts to avoid this behavior. When
connecting via VNC, a login screen is generated that asks for a RADIUS username
and password.
Modem: Enable this to allow the modem to answer the phone and start a PPP
connection. Enable modem connections (PPP) via serial port/modem.
Serial Ports: The Serial Ports menu allows you to manage and connect to devices
connected to the unit using the R-Port on the CABCONS1716I.
Time/Date: Date and time are stored without consideration for time zone. If you
are controlling multiple sites in dierent time zones, we recommend you use UTC
(Universal Coordinated Time, also sometimes called GMT or Zulu) for all machines.