
Instruction Manual
Using the Web Interface
The Web interface is the most intuitive way to congure the CABCONS1716I. As it oers
a Java-based VNC client that can be used to control the host computer from a remote
location, as well as support for any industry-standard HTML Web browser.
You can access the Web interface by opening your Web browser and entering the IP
address of the CABCONS1716I you wish to congure. The IP address will be either:
a) The address assigned by your DHCP server as identied in the
previous section, or
b) if your network uses static IP addressing.
The Login Screen
Before you can access the Web conguration interface, you must enter a user name and
password. The default username and password as shipped from the factory is username
admin, with a password of admin.
Whenever you are prompted about a certicate security problem by your browser or the
Java VNC client, always choose the option to continue.
NOTE: Before the login screen appears, your Web browser may display
a warning about an invalid security certicate. This does not aect the
security of your data in any way.