
230 3C. Entertainment: TV and Music
1. Will I know if I’m receiving an incoming call while I’m
viewing or listening to a media clip?
No. All incoming calls will roll into voicemail while
you are playing a clip. If the caller leaves a voicemail,
you will see the voicemail icon on the screen.
2. How long are the clips? Will I know the estimated
time it will take to play the clip prior to accessing it?
Once you have selected a channel, you will see a
listing of the available clips, with each clip’s length
displayed after the clip’s title. In general, a clip’s
duration will depend on the story or content being
provided, and can be fairly short or as long as a
few minutes.
3. Can I access a clip wherever I am, as long as I have
my device?
As long as you are on the Nationwide Sprint
Network, you will have access to the audio and
video clips.
4. Are the videos that I’m viewing “live” videos?
It depends on the content provider. Some of the
channels available through Sprint TV & Movies
stream live content. Others provide media on
demand with video and audio clips that are
refreshed throughout the day, but those are not
5. After purchasing access to an Available Channel for a
monthly fee, do I receive any confirmation? That is,
how do I know it has been purchased?
The next time you access the channel, you bypass
the Preview/Purchase dialog box and go directly to
the available content.
6. If I don’t subscribe to a data plan, will I still be able to
view the multimedia clips?
Yes. For service access charges, please consult
your Sprint service plan or visit
7. What does it mean when the video pauses and I see
the word “loading” at the bottom of the screen?
This happens when the device is loading the data
necessary to play the clip. It typically occurs when
there is heavy traffic on the network.
Note: Sprint TV service does not work while roaming off of
the Nationwide Sprint Network or where service is