198 3B. Web and Data Services
Your corporate Exchange Server must support
auto-detect for the device to automatically set up
the Exchange ActiveSync account. If your
corporate Exchange Server does not support auto-
detect, you will need to enter your Exchange
Server settings after you tap
Next. Ask your
Exchange Server administrator for details.
4. Select the types of information you want to
synchronize. Also choose how often you want to
update and sync email to your device, and then
5. Enter the account name, and then tap Finish setup.
Checking Your Mail Inbox
When you open the Mail application, it displays the
inbox of one of your email accounts that you’ve set up
on your device.
Switching Between Email Accounts
To switch between email accounts, tap the bar that shows
the current email account, and then tap another account.
Viewing Email Messages From All Your Email
You can view email messages from all your accounts
just in one place without having to switch to different
Just tap the bar that shows the current email account,
and then tap
All accounts. Email messages are color
coded so you can easily distinguish which email
accounts they belong to.
Note: Up to 15 email accounts can be shown in the unified