Monitoring the Image from the Camera
Using an OS other than Windows such as
Macintosh, UNIX and Linux or Netscape
Navigator Ver. 6.0
Java Applet viewer is necessary. When you log in the
camera for the first time, click Java Applet on the Login
page or the Main Viewer page to start the Java Applet
viewer. (See “Controlling the Monitor Image Using the
Java Applet Viewer” on page 12.)
Java Applet Viewer page
When there is a firewall on the network
where the camera is installed
To monitor the camera image outside the firewall, a
Firewall viewer is necessary.
To start the Firewall viewer, select the Behind Firewall
check box on the Login page, or click Firewall on the
Main Viewer page.
Firewall Viewer page
Controlling the Monitor Image from
the Image Control Section
You can control the monitor image from the image
control section on the viewer page.
Image control section
Selecting the image size
Click the down-arrow button in the Image Size box and
select the image size from the drop-down list.
You can select the image size from among the following:
× 486, 720 × 243, 360 × 243, 180 × 121, 90 × 60
× 576, 720 × 288, 360 × 288, 180 × 144, 90 × 72
Expanding the image
Click the down-arrow button in the Expansion box and
select the expansion ratio from the drop-down list:
×2, ×3 or ×4.
• The available expansion ratios depend on the selected
image size.
• The expansion ratios cannot be selected when using
the Firewall viewer.
Selecting the frame rate
Click the down-arrow button in the Frame Rate box and
select the frame rate with which the images are
transmitted, from the drop-down list: 1 fps, 3 fps, 5 fps,
15 fps or Fastest. “fps” indicates the number of frames
transmitted per second. With Fastest, the camera
transmits the maximum number of frames as possible
for the connected line. The maximum frame rate is 30
fps for the SNC-VL10N, and 25 fps for the SNC-VL10P.
If heat builds up inside the camera, the images are
transmitted at 1 fps although another frame rate value is