Sending Images via E-mail at Alarm — SMTP Setting Page
Activity Detection (AD)
Select this check box to send an E-mail when an alarm
triggered by the activity detection is output. You can set
the time and the frame rate to save images to be attached
to the E-mail in the boxes below.
Setting example: To save images during the period of
time between 2 seconds before and 2 seconds after the
alarm, with a frame rate of 3 fps.
Pre-Alarm Time: Select from the drop-down list the
time in seconds you want to save images before an alarm
output. (0 to 5 seconds can be set.)
Pre-Alarm Frame Rate: Select from the drop-down list
the frame rate with which you want to save images
before an alarm output. (1 to 5 fps can be set.)
Post-Alarm Time: Select from the drop-down list the
time in seconds you want to save images after an alarm
output. (0 to 5 seconds can be set.)
Post-Alarm Frame Rate: Select from the drop-down
list the frame rate with which you want to save images
after an alarm output. (1 to 5 fps can be set.)
Sensor Input (SI)
Select this check box to send an E-mail when an alarm
triggered by the sensor input is output. You can set the
time and the frame rate to save images to be attached to
the E-mail in the boxes below.
Pre-Alarm Time: Select from the drop-down list the
time in seconds you want to save images before an alarm
output. (0 to 5 seconds can be set.)
Pre-Alarm Frame Rate: Select from the drop-down list
the frame rate with which you want to save images
before an alarm output. (1 to 5 fps can be set.)
Post-Alarm Time: Select from the drop-down list the
time in seconds you want to save images after an alarm
output. (0 to 5 seconds can be set.)
Post-Alarm Frame Rate: Select from the drop-down
list the frame rate with which you want to save images
after an alarm output. (1 to 5 fps can be set.)
Periodic Sending (PS)
Select this check box to send E-mails with images
attached periodically regardless of alarm output.
Setting example: To send an E-mail with images
attached every hour
Interval: Type the interval at which you want to send E-
mails in the boxes. You can set the hour (H) between 0
and 168, and the minutes (M) between 0 and 55 in units
of 5 minutes.
Image Size
Displays the size of the image to be attached to an E-
mail. It is fixed to 360 × 243 for the SNC-VL10N, or
360 × 288 for the SNC-VL10P.
Naming Method
Set the form of naming the image file to be attached to
an E-mail. Select the check box(es) you want to add to
the file name.
Date & Time Suffix
Adds the date and time to the file name.
Alarm Sensor
Adds the alarm mode to the file name.
AD: if the image is sent at the time of an alarm triggered
by the activity detection.
SI: if the image is sent at the time of an alarm triggered
by the sensor input.
PS: if the image is sent by Periodic Sending.
SEQ suffix
Adds consecutive numbers, 000 to 999, to the file name.
The number is reset to 000 when you click Apply on the
SMTP Setting page.
Manual Assigned Name
Type the file name up to 36 characters.
Displays an extension “.eye.” The image is always sent
in the Wavelet compressed format and “.eye” is added to
its file name.
The example of a display
An example of the form you have set is displayed when
you click Apply.
Subject Message Box
Type the title of the E-mail up to 64 characters.
Body Message Box
Type the text of the E-mail up to 255 characters.
See “Buttons common to every setting page” on page
When the images are sent by the E-mail function, the
Frame Rate may not reach the set value depending on
the network conditions and alarm frequency.