Configuring the Advanced Settings
Gigaset SE366 WLAN / englisch / A31008-M1063-R101-4x-7619 / configure_router.fm / 13.11.2008
Schablone 2004_12_27
Using UPnP (Universal Plug & Play)
PCs with UPnP (Universal Plug & Play) can offer their own network services and
automatically use services offered on the network.
As soon as you have installed UPnP in the operating system of a PC and activated it on
the router, applications on this PC (e.g. Microsoft Messenger) can communicate via the
Internet without you needing to grant explicit authorisation. In this case, the router
automatically implements Port Forwarding, see page 59, thereby facilitating communi-
cation via the Internet.
You will see a symbol for your Gigaset SE366 WLAN in the taskbar on the PC on which
UPnP is installed. Windows XP systems will also include the icon under its Network Con-
nections. Clicking this icon opens the Gigaset SE366 WLAN's configuration screens.
ì In the Advanced Settings – Internet menu, select the entry
Internet Connection.
ì Select UPnP.
ì Click OK to apply the settings.
IGMP proxy server
IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) enables a PC to report its membership of a
multicast group to other PCs over the Internet. With multicasting, a PC can send content
on the Internet to several other PCs that have registered an interest in the first
computer's data and information.
ì Activate IGMP proxy server if you wish to use this function.
Check whether the UPnP function has been installed in your PC's operating system. If
not, you may have to install your operating system's UPnP components. Please consult
your PC operating instructions.
When the UPnP function is active, system applications can assign and use Ports on
a PC. This can be a security risk.