
Gigaset SE366 WLAN / englisch / A31008-M1063-R101-4x-7619 / glossary.fm / 13.11.2008
Schablone 2004_12_27
The Internet is a wide-area network (WAN) linking several million users around the
world. A number of Protocols have been created for exchanging data, and these are
known collectively under the name TCP/IP. All participants on the Internet can be iden-
tified by an IP address. Servers are addressed by Domain names (e.g. gigaset.com).
Domain names are assigned to IP addresses by the Domain Name Service (DNS).
Among the most important Internet services are:
u electronic mail (email)
u the World Wide Web (WWW)
u file transfer (FTP)
u discussion forums (Usenet / Newsgroups)
Internet Provider
An Internet provider (Internet Service Provider) offers access to the Internet for a fee.
Internet protocol
The IP Protocol is one of the TCP/IP protocols. It is responsible for addressing parties in a
network using IP addresses, and routes data from the sender to the recipient. It decides
the paths along which the data packets travel from the sender to the recipient in a com-
plex network (routing).
IP address
An IP address is a network-wide unique address for a network component in a network
based on the TCP/IP protocol (e.g. in a local area network (LAN) or on the Internet). The
IP address has four parts (values from 0 to 255) separated by periods (e.g.
The IP address consists of the network address and the PC address. Depending on the
Subnet mask, one, two or three parts form the network address, the remainder the PC
address. You can find out the IP address of your PC by entering ipconfig in the com-
mand prompt.
IP addresses can be assigned manually (see Static IP address) or automatically (see
Dynamic IP address).
On the Internet, Domain names are normally used instead of IP addresses. DNS is
responsible for assigning domain names to IP addresses.
The Gigaset SE366 WLAN has a Private IP address and a Public IP address.
IP pool range
The Gigaset SE366 WLAN's IP address pool defines a range of IP addresses that the
router's DHCP server can use to assign Dynamic IP addresses.
Internet Service Provider, see Internet Provider