Managing Log Events
Debug Log Messages
652 logstrVoipSpare31 Info unused/spare
653 logstrVoipSpare32 Info unused/spare
655 logstrLogSyslogDataRateExceeded Info Maximum syslog data per second
threshold exceeded
656 logstrLogSpare3 Info unused/spare
657 logstrLogSpare4 Info unused/spare
Message ID Log Event Priority Description of Log Event
99 logstrDHCPCRetransDiscover Debug Retransmitting DHCP DISCOVER.
100 logstrDHCPCRetransRequestReques
Debug Retransmitting DHCP REQUEST
101 logstrDHCPCRetransRequestRenew Debug Retransmitting DHCP REQUEST
102 logstrDHCPCRetransRequestRebind Debug Retransmitting DHCP REQUEST
103 logstrDHCPCRetransRequestReboot Debug Retransmitting DHCP REQUEST
104 logstrDHCPCRetransRequestVerify Debug Retransmitting DHCP REQUEST
105 logstrDHCPCSendDiscover Debug Sending DHCP DISCOVER.
106 logstrDHCPCNoOffers Debug DHCP Server not available. Did not
get any DHCP OFFER.
107 logstrDHCPCGotOffer Debug Got DHCP OFFER. Selecting.
108 logstrDHCPCSelecting Debug Sending DHCP REQUEST.
109 logstrDHCPCRequestFailed Debug DHCP Client did not get DHCP ACK.
110 logstrDHCPCRequestNAK Debug DHCP Client got NACK.
111 logstrDHCPCRequestACK Debug DHCP Client got ACK from server.
112 logstrDHCPCRequestDecline Debug DHCP Client is declining address
offered by the server.
113 logstrDHCPCBoundRebind Debug DHCP Client sending REQUEST and
going to REBIND state.
262 logstrAdminSessInactivity Debug Administrator logged out - inactivity
timer expired
263 logstrUserLogout Debug User logged out
264 logstrUserSessTimeout Debug User logged out - max session time
265 logstrUserSessInactivity Debug User logged out - inactivity timer
328 logstrAdminNameChanged Debug Administrator name changed
329 logstrUserLoginLockout Debug User login failure rate exceeded -
logins from user IP address denied
359 logstrCryptFipsErrorState Debug Entering FIPS ERROR state
360 logstrCryptDesTestFailed Debug Crypto DES test failed
361 logstrCryptDhTestFailed Debug Crypto DH test failed
362 logstrCryptHmacMD5TestFailed Debug Crypto Hmac-MD5 fest failed
363 logstrCryptHmacSha1TestFailed Debug Crypto Hmac-Sha1 test failed
Message ID Log Event Priority Description of Log Event