Route Policies
Click the Add button under the Route Policies table. The Add Route Policy window is displayed.
Create a routing policy that directs all X0 Subnet sources to Any destinations for HTTP service
out of the Default Gateway via the X1 interface by selecting these settings from the Source,
Destination, Service, Gateway and Interface menus respectively. Use the default 1 in the Metric
field and enter force http out primary into the Comment field. Click OK.
Create a second routing policy that directs all X0 Subnet sources to Any destinations for Telnet
service out of the Secondary Default Gateway via the X5 interface by selecting these settings
from the Source, Destination, Service, Gateway and Interface menus respectively. Use the
default 1 in the Metric field and enter force telnet out backup into the Comment field. Click OK.
These two policy-based routes force all sources from the X0 subnet to always go out the primary
WAN when using any HTTP-based application, and forces all sources from the X0 subnet to always
go out the backup WAN when using any Telnet-based application.
To test the HTTP policy-based route, from a computer attached to the LAN interface, access the
public Web site http://www.whatismyip.com and http://whatismyip.everdot.org. Both sites display the
primary WAN interface’s IP address and the secondary WAN interface.
To test the Telnet policy-based route, telnet to route-server.exodus.net and when logged in, issue the
who command. It displays the IP address (or resolved FQDN) of the WAN IP address of the
secondary WAN interface and not the primary WAN interface.