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i n t e l l i g e n t w i r e l e s s p l a t f o r m
airClient™ Nexus PRO TOTAL User Guide
About This Document
This User Guide is for the networking professional who configures and manages the smartBridges’
Intelligent Nexus Platform of wireless client device, the airClient™ Nexus PRO TOTAL (sB3412).
It provides detailed information on using the web-based configuration GUI to configure the airClient Nexus
PRO TOTAL unit, hereafter shortened to aCNPT. This manual will help you gain a better understanding of
how the various components work.
To configure smartBridges’ products, you need to have fundamental understanding of the concepts and
technology of Local Area Networks (LAN) and wireless networking. The system installer will require
expertise in the following areas:
• Outdoor radio equipment installation
• Network configuration
• Use of web browser for system configuration, monitoring and fault finding
In this chapter, you will find an overview of the User Guide and where to obtain additional information
regarding installation and set-up.
Overview of User Guide
The checklists for pre-and post- installation are provided in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 shows the three modes
that the airClient Nexus PRO TOTAL can work in: Bridge, Router and NAT and the procedures for
configuring the various parameters in each mode.
Chapter 3 gives instructions for editing the wireless radio protocol parameters to optimize radio
performance and changing the Bandwidth Controller. The Quality of Service (QoS) features are explained
in Chapter 4.
Accessing the Site Survey page is shown in Chapter 5 and the antenna alignment process is outlined in
Chapter 6. Wireless and Ethernet Traffic Statistics and the explanations is given in Chapter 7. Finally, the
firmware upgrade process for aCNPT Nexus is explained in Chapter 9.
Related Publications
These documents provide complete information about the Nexus series of radio units: airHaul™,
airPoint™ and airClient™.
• Quick Install Guide (QIG)
• Release Notes
• Technical Specification
For the latest information on smartBridges products, please visit our website at