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i n t e l l i g e n t w i r e l e s s p l a t f o r m
airClientâ„¢ Nexus PRO TOTAL User Guide
2.8.7. Wireless Settings
The following table summarizes the information for the wireless settings.
Table 2-4 Wireless Settings
Page Items Descriptions
This is the current SSID.
User can change the SSID. The SSID is a unique identifier that
wireless networking devices use to establish and maintain
wireless connectivity. It is case sensitive and can contain up to 32
alphanumeric characters. Do not include special characters in the
Mac Address
When in aCNPT Bridge mode, this is the Radio MAC address of
the Root Device
This is the current radio regulatory domain.
User can choose the appropriate domain. The pull-down menu
shows a list of domains supported by radio. Different domains will
show different channel lists.
sB Enhanced Mode gives better performance with the
compression ON. For this reason, it does not support 802.11b and
third party access point.
The Radio Operating Mode can set to Mixed Mode i.e 802.11
The Radio Operating Mode can be set to 802.11 b only or 802.11
g only
This is the current radio channel in the selected domain.
This is settable when in aCNPT Bridge mode, user need to enter
the same channel as the Access Point device from the pull-down
The radio channel settings correspond to the frequencies
available in the user regulatory domain.
This indicates the current rate at which the radio is operating,
which can be set as desired by the user.
Auto Rate
Allows radio to fall back to lower data rate.
Dial-a-Power Dial-a-Power is used to set the output power of the radio at the N
The valid radio power range is from -5 dBm to 23 dBm
Antenna Gain
This is a gain of an antenna attached with the device. The gain
input here is merely for the purpose of display and calculation of
the EIRP.
User can select anywhere between 2.2dBi to 30 dBi.
RF cable Loss
This refers to the loss of a RF cable connecting antenna to the
Display associated link status.