
DE2-70 User Manual
Figure 4.1. The DE2-70 Video Utility window.
4.2 VGA Display
Choosing the Display tab in the DE2-70 Video Utility leads to the window shown in Figure 4.2.
The function is designed to download an image from the host computer to the FPGA board and
output the image through the VGA interface with resolution 640x480.
Please follow the steps below to exercise the Video Utility:
1. Connect a VGA monitor to the VGA port of the board.
2. Click Load button and specify an image file for displaying. It can be a bitmap or jpeg file.
The selected image file will be displayed on the display window of the Video Utility.
3. Select the desired Image Positioning method to fit the image to the VGA 640x480
display dimension.
4. Click Display button to start downloading the image to the DE2-70 board.
5. After finish downloading, you will see the desired image shown on the screen of the VGA