
DE2-70 User Manual
Figure 4.3. Video Capturing Tool.
4.4 Overall Structure of the DE2-70 Video Utility
The DE2-70 Video Utility is based on a NIOS II system running in the Cyclone II FPGA with the
SDRAM-U2 or SSRAM. The software part is implemented in C code; the hardware part is
implemented in Verilog code with SOPC builder, which makes it possible for a knowledgeable user
to change the functionality of the Video Utility. The code is located inside the
DE2_70_demonstrations directory on the DE2-70 System CD-ROM.
Figure 4.4 depicts the block diagram of the Video Utility. Each input/output device is controlled by
the NIOS II Processor instantiated. The communication between the DE2-70 board and the host PC
is via the USB Blaster link. The NIOS II processor interprets the commands sent from the PC and
performs the appropriate actions.