
If group is omitted, get command will show all of the parameter values as shown in Figure 2-14.
> get
--- Status ---
Serial_no.: LS100-0207_test
MAC_address: 00-01-95-77-88-99
F/W_REV.: V1.2.0
--- Admin ---
Username: admin
Password: admin
Devicename: LS100 Device
--- IP ---
IP_mode: dhcp
--- Host ---
Host_mode: tcps
Local_port: 6001
Inactivity_timeout(sec): 300
--- Serial ---
Baudrate: 9600
Data_bits: 8_bits
Parity: None
Stop_bits: 1_bit
Flow_control: None
DTR_option: Always_high
DSR_option: None
Interchar_timeout(ms): 50
Figure 2-14 Getting all parameters screen
2.4.3 help Command
With help command, users can find command usage help in the console screen. Basic command
usage is as follows:
help [group] + <CR>
if group is omitted, overall help screen will be displayed
if group is specified, set command usage of specified group will be displayed.
Figure 2-15 shows help screen when no group is specified while Figure 2-16 shows help screen with
ip group specified.
> help
set group par1 [par2 ...] + <CR>
- group = 'ip','host','serial' or 'admin'
- par1 ... = configuration parameters. Use * to keep a parameter's value
get [group] + <CR>
- group = 'ip','host','serial','admin' or 'status'
- If group is specified, shows settings of the group.
- If group is omitted, shows settings of all groups.
help [group] + <CR>