won all 30 points (by selecting 5 shops without having your card
declined). At any time during play, you can also hop in a cab and go
home with the points you’ve already won.
Dance ‘Til Dawn
What could be more fun than a night on the dance floor? In this
game, you follow along with the dance moves indicated by the
flashing spotlight. When the game begins, a light will shine on one of
the buttons (A, for example). All you have to do is press the A button
on the handset. Then, the game will show you two dance moves (A
and C, for example). Just keep copying the dance moves and you’ll
keep earning points. The game continues until you’ve completed 30
moves or messed up. The number of points you win is determined by
how many dance moves you successfully duplicate.
Remember, this game is designed to test your memory – so no fair
writing down the moves!
Fashion Disaster
This game plays something like a slot machine. When you begin,
the 5 reels will whirl around and come to a stop showing different
articles of clothing. The more items you have of the same color, the
more points you score. After the reels stop spinning, move the cursor
left or right (A or D button) and select which items you want to keep
and which ones you want to get rid of. When you’ve made all your
choices, highlight and select the CHANGE button.
You earn 6 points for each item showing the most common color
on the reels. For example, if you have 2 red items (and nothing else
matches) you would win 12 points. If all 5 items are the same color,
you win 30 points.
Gumball Grab
If you’ve ever seen a Japanese pachinko machine, you already know
how to play Gumball Grab. Just position each ball in one of the 3
holes at the top of the screen and then press the B or C button to
drop it. It will bounce its way down to the bottom and score points
depending upon which bucket it lands in.
Handbag Hurricane
In this game you’re presented with a trio of handbags. One has $10
in it, one has $20, and one has $30. As you watch, the money drops
into the handbags. Just keep your eye on the $30 bag as it weaves
in and out among the others. When they stop moving, pick one of
the handbags and you’ll win points equal to the amount of money
inside it.
With all those cupids in the air, it must be Valentine’s Day! One
after another, they drop delicate hearts from the heavens and you
must dash back and forth to catch them. The more you catch, the
more points you earn. If you miss a heart, it falls to the ground and
shatters! Thirty hearts will be dropped, catch as many as you can!
Lucky Dice
This is a simple game of dice. Rattle them around and give them a
roll. Every time you roll them without getting a “7”, you win 5 points.
You keep playing until you reach 30 points or roll a “7”. Don’t be too
upset if you roll a “7”, you still get to keep the points you’ve earned
so far.