The CosmoGirl! ™ TV Game was designed to capture all the fun
and intrigue of the magazine that inspired it. Just invite some friends
over, hook it up to your television set, and you’re ready for a great
Getting Started
When you turn on the CosmoGirl! ™ TV Game, the title screen
appears. Make sure everyone is comfortable and ready to play, then
press any button to begin.
Choosing Sides
The first step in playing the CosmoGirl! ™ TV
Game is dividing all the players into two teams.
Exactly how you do this is up to you.
When choosing teams, it’s important make sure
both teams have more or less the same number
of players. If you have an odd number of players, giving an extra
person to one team is no problem, just make the teams as fair as
During the game, one team will be referred to as Team A and the
other as Team B. Make sure everyone agrees on which team is which.
If you want to choose a nickname for your team, go right ahead!
When everyone has been assigned to a team, press any button to
advance to the next part of the game.
Choosing Captains
After you’ve split into teams, each team needs to
pick a captain. Again, how this is done is up to
you. Some people like to vote for a team captain
while others might simply draw lots to decide
who gets the honor.
During play, the team captain is the one who holds the handset. When
a trivia question is presented, it’s up to the captain to enter the answer
chosen by her team. You’ll learn more about the responsibilities of
the team captain as you read the rest of these instructions.
After both captains have been selected, press any button to begin
playing the CosmoGirl! ™ TV Game.
The Game Screen
The CosmoGirl! ™ TV Game screen features
a board showing 16 tiles. To play the game,
teams take turns picking one of these tiles
and attempting the challenge shown beneath
it. After all 16 tiles have been turned over, the
game concludes with a final Showdown.
Picking a Tile
When it’s your team’s turn, you’ll need to pick one of the tiles on the
game screen. You do this by selecting a row and then a column. For
instance, if you pick ROW A and COLUMN A, the tile in the upper
left corner of the screen would turn over. Hidden behind each tile is
a symbol telling you which of the 4 types of activities your team must
attempt this turn.
Trivia Challenge
A Trivia Challenge is the most common symbol. When one of these
is revealed, your team will be shown a question and four possible
answers. Your team has 30 seconds to discuss the answer. When