
The Power Washer works best using Sears specially
_rmulated concentrateddegrease_,9.16421,which can
be purchased in the Sears hardware department or
from the Sears general cata!og. Follow the directions
supplied with the degreaser for the proper
watertdegreaser mix ratio.
Most common householddegreasers,arenot formu_atecl
and concentrated for use in your Power Washer. They
are too heavy or thick to pass through your Power
Washer and iftheyare dilutedwithwater, they lose their
degreasing efficiency,
NOTE: If you do not useSears degreaseE;9-16421, be
sure thedegreaser you do use is specially formulated
and concentrated for use with this type of equipment,
Mix the chosendegreaser with water (1 part degreaser
to 4 parts water) to reduce the viscosity(consistency
or thickness) of the mixture.
Do not clean a hot engine. Engine block can
crack or other damage can occur. Wait unlil
lhe engine has =ooled at least one hour.
Cover the battery and carburetor throat
when you clean the engine,
!, Prepare a mixture of degreaser in a 1.gallon
plastic buoket or suitable container.
2. Atta(_hthe garden hose (cold or warm water), air
hose,and chemical draw hosetothe Power Washer.
Place the free end of the chemioal draw hose into
the degreaser/water mixture.
3. For best degreasing performance, set your air com-
pressor to the maximum pressure available from
your compressor not to exceed 175 psig. Be sure
theair and water controlson the powerwasher are
inthe "Off" position.
4. Turn on your airoompressor.
5. Begin the degreasing procedure by adjusting the
air control Imoband the soap/chemical controJknob
until they begin spraying the solution. The water
knobshould be OFF. Continuespraying unlilthesur-
face is completely _overed with the solution.
6. To stop spraying, turn the soap/nhemical control
knob and the air control knob tothe "Off" position,
7. Letthe degreaser solutionremain on the surfacefor
about 30 seconds. A certain amount of wiping will
be required for most types of foreign matter.
8. Fully open both the air' and water control knobs.
9, R_se the degreaser solution and dirt from the sur-
face you are degreasing.
Clean the exterior of the power washer and draw hose
with a damp cloth, soap and water.
Fill a container with clean water, insert the free end
of the chemical draw hose into the water & rinse the
internal system.
Disconnect all hoses from the power washer. Store the
power washer away from open flames and heat,
Topreve_ freezingincordweather,make sureaJlliquids
are drained from your power washer before storage.
Store with theair, water and chemical controlknobs in
the open or "ON" position. Hang verticalJywith the
foliage nozzle down,