
CongratulationsonyourpurchaseofaSears Crattsman
PowerWasher! It isdurable and versatileana willserve
you for years to come. Your Power washer combines
air pressurewithwater, detergent or degreaser to clean
and degrease, it can also be used for spraying lawn,
garden, trees or bushes, It has a unique nozzle that
allows you to change from a direct, forceful blast to a
light, foliage mist with a push or a pull.
Ableeder type connectorhas been supplied sothat the
powerwasher canbe used with compressors that donot
have a pressure relief valve or a pressure switch.
Your PowerWasher is designed-to spray in thefollow-
ing modes:
Air only
Water only
Water & air only
,_AJr& chemicals together
It is not designed to mix water & chemicals internally.
Chemfcals should be diluted with water before enter-
ing the gun to achieve precise controlof chemicals,
Your PowerWasher is intended for use with a _,._Horsepower or larger tanl<-lypeor tankless air compressors
deliveringat least 2.2 SCFM at 50 PSIG. The larger the air compressor used the more powerful your washer
will be.
Minimum Air Pressure;
Maximum Air Pressure:
Minimum Water Pressure:
Maximum Water Pressure;
Maximum Water Temperature:
Maximum Chemical Draw Height:
(maximum distancewasher can beabove
the chemical container.)
40 psig
17,5 psig
20 psJg
1O0 psig.
10 feet
Optimum Chemical Flow Rate in the Air/
Chemical Mode, with the air pressure
salting between 75 and 125 PSIG:
Approx, 10 oz, per minute with _ two foot draw height
Appmx. 7 oz. per minute with a five foot draw height
NOTE: Chemicalsshouldhave a viscosity(consistency
or thickness) similiar to water-dilute as
2 Wrenches: a _/J"open end wrench for the Bleeder/
Non-bleeder connector and an adjustable wrench for
the air hose,
All other parts on the power washer are tighteneO by