• Stirrershield
The oven insidetop (stirrer shteid)can be gently wiped in place or removed for washing at the sinkl
Excessiveoil spatterson the inside top (stirrer shield) will make them difficultto remove, if left for
many days.
Wipe them with a wet paper towel especially after cooking chicken or bacon.
The stirrer shield setsin slots along the sides and in the rear of the oven and is held by three tabs in front.
Carefully pull the front edge down and forward to remove. Wash only in warm [not hot) detergent water,
rinse and wipe dry. Avoid hitting or bending the metal stirrer blade, as this could cause uneven cooking or
mlcrowave power loss. To replace shield, slide it into the side and rear slots with cut-off at left rear comer.
and carefully fit the front edge of the shield with three tabs.
• Exhaust filters
The two mesh exhaust filters on the hood bottom cover can be removed for washing in a sink.
The filters are held by metal springs in the center of the hood bottom cover. To remove it, place a finger
in the finger recess of the hood bottom cover and push it toward the center and pull down. Wash only in
warm detergent water, rinse and wipe dry.
Do not use ammonia for aluminum mesh fillers.
Do nol run the hood fan without the filters.