(See Cookbook for detailed explanation)
Whole Meal cooking lets you cook T_o or more diif_,r,m! foods at lh_.' same tim,.' Food_ nosd nol be pIao.'d in Ihc o_,.,n at
the same time, nor be removed at the same time. unless needed. By using PAUSE ralher than MEMORY RECALL. the
oven will stop between stages for time Io add or remo,:'e food.
I. Place the Metal Rack in guides on the side wall of oven cavity as shown.
2. Place food into the oven.
3. Set the oven following the instructions given in the cook book.
[] Remove Metal Rack from oven when not being used for whole meal cooking.
[] Do not run the oven empty with the Metal Rack in it.
tin The Metal Rack may get hot during cooking. Pot holders may be needed to remove Rack after cooking.
[] Do not use browning dishes on Metal Rack.
[] Do not use foil or metal containers on the Metal Rack.
Metal Rack