B Change the incline of the treadmill, if desired.
The incline of the tread-
millis controlled with the
INCLINE increase and t_INCUNE_I
decrease buttons. Each
time one of the buttons
is pressed, the incline
will change by 0.5%.
The buttons can be held down to change the incline
more quickly. The incline setting is shown in the
DISTANCE/INCLINE display. The incline range Is
1.5% to 10%. Note: After the INCUNE buttons are
pressed, it may take a few seconds for the treadmill
to reach the selected inclinesetting.
_1 Follow your progress with the five displays and
the TRAINING ZONE monitor.
• CALORIES display
This display shows
both the total calories
and the number of fat
calories that you have
burned. (See BURN-
ING FAT on page 22).
Every seven seconds, the display will change from
one number to the other. The indicators beside the
display will light to show which number is currently
Note: This display also shows the current weight
setting when the walking belt is stopped and the
WEIGHT buttons are pressed.
• PULSE display
For this display to op-
erate, the pulse sen- _,,,_.._ .I .I I-.I I
sot must be worn (see
i ir-i
page 8). The pulse
sensor wire must be plugged fullyinto the jack on
the front ofthe console. After a few seconds, the
heart-shaped indicator beside the PULSE display
will flash each time your heart beats, the NO
PULSE DETECTED indicatorwill darken, and
your pulse will be shown. Note: Because your
pulse constantly changes, the pulse sensor will
sample your pulse every few seconds. It may take
up to ten seconds before an accurate pulse is
shown. If your pulse is not shown, see GUIDE-
page 8.
Note: This display also shows the current age set-
ling when the walking belt is stopped and the AGE
buttons are pressed.
• SPEED display
This display shows
the current speed of
the walking bell
When the SPEED
buttons are pressed,
the display will show
the selected speed setting for seven seconds.
Note: The speed can be displayed in either miles
per hour (mph) or kilometers per hour (kph). The
indicators beside the SPEED display will lightto
show which unitof measurement is selected. To
change the unitof measurement, hold down the
STOP button while insertingthe key intothe con-
sole. An =E" (for English system--miles) or'M* (for
Metdc system---kilometers) will appear in the
SPEED display. Press the SPEED increase button
to change the unit of measurement. Remove and
then reinsert the key.
TIME display
This display shows
the total time that
the walking belt has
been moving.
[,,: ,-/[
i1-1. _11
Fro,=_ TIME
Note: When any pro-
gram except the FITNESS TEST program is se-
lected, the TIME display will show the time re-
maining in the program.
CLINE display I ]
This display shows _-I --! ._-_
both the distance _-. _1 rl
that the walking belt DIST./INCUNE
has moved and the
current incline of the
treadmill. Every seven seconds, the display will
change from one number to the other. When the
INCLINE buttons are pressed, the display will
change to show the selected incline setting.
Note: If the MPH indicator beside the SPEED dis-
play is lit, the distance will be displayed in miles. If
the KPH indicator is lit,the distance will be dis-
played in kilometers.
Training Zone Monitor
This monitor measures the
approximate intensity of
your exercise. The moni-
tor's five indicators are de-
scribed below:
DOWN--Each workout
should begin with a warm-
o Fedom1_nce
o Maxir_m
FM Bum
O FmtSum