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Tp Note: If there is a thin sheet ofclear plaso
ulse Sensor Jack tic on the face of the console, remove it.
The treadmill console offers an impressive array of fee-
turesdesigned to make your workouts more effective
and enjoyable. When the console is in the manual mode,
thespeed and incline ofthe treadmill canbe changed
with a touch of a button. As you exercise, fivedisplays
will provide continuous exercise feedback. Seven preset
programsare also offered. Programs A, B, C, and D au-
tomatically controlthe speed of the treadmillas they
guide you through effective workouts; the special FAT
BURN program provides intensive fat-burning workouts;
the AEROBIC program helpsyou to achieve maximum
cardiovascular benefits; and the unique FITNESS TEST
programmeasures your relative fitness level.
To use the manual mode, follow the steps on pages 11
through13. To use program A, B, C or D, see pages 13
and 14. To use the FAT BURN or AEROBIC program,
see pages 15 and 16. To use the FITNESS TEST pro-
gram, see pages 16 and 17. Note: The console can dis-
play speed and distance in either milesor kilometers
(see SPEED DISPLAY on page 12). For simplicity,all in-
stroctionsrefer to miles.
Beforebeginning, make sure
thatthe on/off switch located
nearthe powercord is in the
"on" position.Plug in the power
cord(see page 9). Note: Ifthe
keyis in the console when the
powercord isplugged in, the letters "PO" will flash in the
SPEED display. If this occurs, remove the key.