InRow RC Operation and Maintenance Manual14
View the state of input and output contacts
Path: Main > Configure Unit > Discrete I/O
Each cooling unit supports a user-defined input contact and a user-defined output contact. Each contact
monitors a sensor and responds to changes in the state of the sensor (open or closed).
Input State: Indicates the actual state of the input contact (open or closed). A cooling unit is On when the state
is normal and in Standby when the state is not normal.
Output State: Indicates the actual state of the output contact (open or closed). An alarm will cause the output
contact to change from the normal state.
Edit the normal state of input and output contacts
Path: Main > Configure Unit > Discrete I/O > Normal State
You can set input contacts to cause alarm conditions based on a user-defined normal state. Output contacts
can map internal alarms and events to outside devices.
Input Norm: Set the normal state of the contact (open or closed). The cooling unit changes its operating mode
to Standby when the actual state differs from the normal state.
Output Norm: Set the normal state of the contact (open or closed). If the state of an alarm or event mapped to
this contact changes from the normal state, the contact also changes state.
Output Src: Define the type of output alarm, either Any Alrm or Critical, that causes the output to change
from its normal state.