InRow RC Operation and Maintenance Manual8
Display Interface
Item Description Function
Critical Alarm LED (red) When lit, a critical alarm condition exists and requires your
immediate attention.
Warning Alarm LED (yellow) When lit, a warning alarm condition exists. Failure to correct this
condition could cause a critical alarm.
Check Log LED (yellow) When lit, at least one new event has been logged since the last time
the log was checked. Only events that pertain to the operation of the
cooling unit will activate the LED.
Status LED (green) When lit, the cooling unit is receiving electrical power. When flashing
green, the cooling unit is downloading firmware for the controller.
This takes several minutes.
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) View alarms, status data, context-sensitive help, and modify
configurable items.
UP and DOWN arrow keys Select menu items and access information.
ESC key Return to previous screen or cancel current operation.
ENTER key Open menu items and input changes to cooling group level and
cooling unit level settings.
HELP key Display context-sensitive help. Press the HELP key for information
about each option on the screen and for instructions on performing