The Pass-Through Facility for
Relational Databases
Overview of the SQL Procedure’s Interactions with SAS/ACCESS
Overview of the Pass-Through Facility
Syntax for the Pass-Through Facility for Relational Databases
Return Codes
Overview of the SQL Procedure’s Interactions with SAS/ACCESS
The SQL procedure implements the Structured Query Language (SQL) for SAS
software. See the Base SAS Procedures Guide for information about PROC SQL.
SAS/ACCESS software for relational databases interacts with PROC SQL in the
following ways:
You can assign a libref to a DBMS using the SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement
and then reference the new libref in a PROC SQL statement to query, update, or
delete DBMS data. See the chapter on the LIBNAME statement for more
information about this feature.
You can embed LIBNAME information in a PROC SQL view and then
automatically connect to the DBMS every time the PROC SQL view is processed.
See “SQL Views with Embedded LIBNAME Statements” on page 66 for more
You can send DBMS-specific SQL statements directly to a DBMS using an
extension to PROC SQL called the Pass-Through Facility. See “Syntax for the
Pass-Through Facility for Relational Databases” on page 228 for the syntax for
this feature.
Overview of the Pass-Through Facility
The Pass-Through Facility uses SAS/ACCESS to connect to a DBMS and to send
statements directly to the DBMS for execution. This facility is an alternative to the
SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement. It allows you to use the SQL syntax of your
DBMS, and it supports any non-ANSI standard SQL that is supported by your DBMS.
Note: Not all SAS/ACCESS interfaces support this feature. See the chapter on
features by host to determine whether this feature is available in your environment.
The Pass-Through Facility enables you to complete the following tasks:
establish and terminate connections with a DBMS using the facilities CONNECT
and DISCONNECT statements
send dynamic, non-query, DBMS-specific SQL statements to a DBMS using the
facilities EXECUTE statement