174 DBGEN_NAME= Data Set Option Chapter 10
The SAS data set option FORCE= overrides this option when it is used with PROC
APPEND or the PROC SQL UPDATE statement. The PROC SQL UPDATE statement
does not provide a warning before truncating the data.
In the following example, two librefs are associated with Oracle databases; the
default databases and schemas are used and therefore are not specified. In the DATA
step, MYDBLIB.DEPT is created from the Oracle data referenced by
MYORALIB.STAFF. The LASTNAME variable is a character variable of length 20 in
MYORALIB.STAFF. During the creation of MYDBLIB.DEPT, the LASTNAME variable
is stored as a column of type character and length 10 by using DBFORCE=YES.
libname myoralib oracle user=tester1 password=tst1;
libname mydblib oracle user=lee password=dataman;
data mydblib.dept(dbtype=(lastname=’char(10)’)
set myoralib.staff;
See Also
“DBTYPE= Data Set Option” on page 190
DBGEN_NAME= Data Set Option
Specifies whether to rename columns automatically when they contain characters that SAS does
not allow
Valid in:
DATA and PROC steps (when accessing DBMS data using SAS/ACCESS
DBMS support:
DB2 OS/390, DB2 UNIX/PC, Informix, ODBC, OLE DB, Oracle, Microsoft
SQL Server, SYBASE, Teradata
Default value: DBMS
Syntax Description
specifies that disallowed characters are converted to underscores.
specifies that DBMS columns that contain disallowed characters are converted into
valid SAS variable names, using the format _COLn, where n is the column number