Advanced Shooting
Techniky záznamu
Tato funkce je pfiístupná v reÏimu CAMERA.
O protisvûtle (Back Lighting) hovofiíme v pfiípadech, kdy je
filmovan˘ objekt tmav‰í neÏ pozadí:
- Objekt umístûn pfied oknem.
- Filmovaná osoba obleãena v
bílém nebo velmi svûtlém odûvu
a umístûna proti jasnému
pozadí; obliãej je pfiíli‰ tmav˘,
aby se daly rozeznat jeho rysy.
- Objekt venku a pozadí tvofií
jasná obloha.
- Osvûtlení pfiíli‰ silné.
- Objekt proti snûÏnému pozadí.
1. Nastavte spínaã na reÏim
2. Stisknûte tlaãítko BLC -
zv˘razní objekt.
■ Normal - BLC - Normal
■ BLC zv˘razní pouze objekt.
: Funkce BLC nepracuje v reÏimech P.AE
nebo EASY.
4. Otáãejte voliãem UP/DOWN naho-
ru nebo dolÛ tak dlouho, aÏ je
pfiedmût zaostfien.
5. Obraz bude zaostfien˘ i pfii pouÏití
funkce Zoom Out.
6. K návratu na funkci AF stisknûte
znovu tlaãítko MF.
Funkce MF nepracuje v
reÏimech EASY.
BLC works in CAMERA mode.
Back lighting exists when the subject is darker than the
background, such as when:
- The subject is placed in front
of a window.
- The person to be shot is
wearing white or shiny
clothes and is placed
against a bright background;
the person’s face is too dark
to distinguish their features.
- The subject is outdoors and
the background is overcast.
- The light source is too bright.
- The subject is against a snowy
1. Set the power switch to CAMERA
mode and press the BLC button.
■ Normal - BLC - Normal (BLC
enhances only the subject).
Note: BLC function will not operate in P.AE or EASY mode.
4. Turn the UP/DOWN dial up or
down until the object is focused.
5. If the picture won't focus, zoom out
until it becomes clear.
6. To return to AF(Auto Focus), press
the MF button again.
The MF symbol will disappear from
the viewfinder.
The MF function will not
operate in EASY mode.
* BLC on
* BLC off
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