- Nenahr‡vejte s objektivem nam’Þenùm na slunce.
PÞ’mŽ slune‹n’ svžtlo móìe poäkodit sn’ma‹ CCD.
1. Neukl‡dejte videokameru zpósobem, ìe hled‡‹ek m’Þ’ proti slunci.
PÞ’mŽ slune‹n’ svžtlo móìe poäkodit vnitÞek hled‡‹ku.
Bu“te opatrn’ pÞi odkl‡d‡n’ kamery na slunci nebo na okno.
2. Videokameru neberte za hled‡‹ek.
3. NepovolenŽ ot‡‹en’ móìe zpósobit poäkozen’ hled‡‹ku.
1. LCD monitor je vyroben za pouìit’ vysoce kvalitn’ technologie.
NicmŽnž na monitoru se mohou objevit mali‹kŽ te‹ky (‹ervenŽ,
modrŽ nebo zelenŽ barvy).
Tyto te‹ky jsou norm‡ln’ a ì‡dnùm
zpósobem neovlivn’ nahranù obraz.
2. Jestliìe pouì’v‡te LCD monitor venku na
pÞ’mŽm slune‹n’m svžtle, móìe bùt sn’ìen‡
viditelnost na displeji. V tomto pÞ’padž
doporu‹ujeme pouì’vat hled‡‹ek.
3. PÞ’mŽ slune‹n’ svžtlo móìe LCD monitor poäkodit.
- Pro kvalitn’ nat‡‹en’ je velmi dóleìitŽ nastavit popruh pro
- Do popruhu ruku nestrkejte silou, mohlo by doj’t k
poäkozen’ œchytu popruhu.
Bezpe‹nostn’ a jin‡ upozornžn’
Notices and Safety Instructions
Notice regarding the LENS
- Do not shoot in direct sunlight with the LENS pointing towards the sun.
Direct sunlight can damage the CCD(Charge Coupled Device).
Notices regarding Record or Playback using LCD
1. The LCD monitor is manufactured using high precision technology.
However, there may be some tiny dots(red, blue or green in colour)
that appear on the LCD monitor.
These dots are normal and do not affect the
recorded picture in any way.
2. When you use the LCD monitor outdoors in
direct sunlight, it may be difficult to see.
In this case, we recommend that you use the
3. Direct sunlight can damage the LCD monitor.
Notices regarding the hand strap
- It is very important to adjust the hand strap for better
- Do not insert your hand in the hand strap forcibly, you may
damage the buckle.
Notices regarding electronic viewfinder
1. Do not place the camcorder so that the viewfinder is pointing towards
the sun.
Direct sunlight can damage the inside of the viewfinder.
Be careful when placing the camcorder under sunlight or by a window.
2. Do not pick up the camcorder by the viewfinder.
3. Unintended rotation may cause damage to the viewfinder.
Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se objektivu
Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se nahr‡v‡n’ a pÞehr‡v‡n’ za pouìit’ LCD
Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se popruhu pro ruku
Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se elektronickŽho hled‡‹ku