Basic Recording
- You can adjust the LCD during PLAY.
- The adjustment method is the same as with the CAMERA operation.
(see page 27)
Adjusting the LCD during PLAY
The Speaker works in PLAYER mode only.
- When you use the LCD monitor while playing back,
you can hear sound from the Speaker.
If you do not want to hear sound from the Speaker, set
the SPEAKER menu to OFF using the ENTER button.
- The volume of the Speaker is controlled by
the VOLUME CONTROL on the menu.
1. Press the MENU ON/OFF button.
2. Press the , buttons so that VOLUME
CONTROL is highlighted.
3. Press the ENTER button.
- Using the , buttons adjust the volume
4. Press the MENU ON/OFF button to finish
- If you close the LCD monitor, the LCD monitor and speaker turn
- If the speaker does not work properly, check these points;
Is the LCD monitor closed?
Is the volume adjusted to a low level?
Is the SPEAKER menu set to OFF?
Controlling Sound from the Speaker
Nastaven’ LCD monitoru bžhem pÞehr‡v‡n’
Ð Bžhem pÞehr‡v‡n’ móìete nastavit LCD monitor.
Ð Zpósob nastaven’ je shodnù s nastaven’m LCD monitoru v reìimu
Camera. (viz str. 27)
Reproduktor pracuje pouze v reìimu Player.
Ð Jestliìe pÞi pÞehr‡v‡n’ pouì’v‡te LCD monitor,
z reproduktoru je slùset zvuk.
Jestliìe nechcete, aby byl slùset zvuk z reproduktoru,
nastavte reìim SPEAKER (Reproduktor) pomoc’
tla‹’tka ENTER do pozice OFF (Vypnuto).
Ð Hlasitost je Þ’zena ovl‡dac’m prvkem menu (VOLUME
1. Stisknžte tla‹’tko MENU ON/OFF.
2. Tisknžte tla‹’tka , aì je vysv’ceno
VOLUME CONTROL (Kontrola hlasitosti).
3. Stisknžte tla‹’tko ENTER.
Ð pomoc’ tla‹’tek , upravte hlasitost.
4. Pro ukon‹en’ reìimu VOLUME CONTROL
stisknžte tla‹’tko MENU ON/OFF.
Ð Pokud uzavÞete LCD monitor, automatickù se vypne spole‹nž s
Ð Jestliìe reproduktor nepracuje spr‡vnž, zkontrolujte dle n‡sleduj’c’ch
Nen’ LCD monitor v zavÞenŽ poloze?
Nen’ hlasitost nastavena na minimum?
Nen’ reproduktor vypnut?
Ovl‡d‡n’ œrovnž hlasitosti reproduktoru