
memory card 103
memory status 103
messaging 102
network selection 104
Phone 94
phone 94
reset settings 104
ringer 90
security 95
show my number 98
software update 105
text message 53
Time and Date 93
time and date 93
USB mode 94
wallpaper 90
Shortcuts 27
SIM card
installing 2
Soft Keys 22
options during call 23
selecting options 22
Sounds 59
Speakerphone 70
using 24
Speed Dial 37
setting up entries 37
Stopwatch 74
Symbol mode 30, 76
using 33
T9 mode 30, 76
using 32
Task List 70
ABC Mode 31
ABC mode 29, 76
key definitions and functions 31
Numeric mode 76
numeric mode 30
Symbol mode 76
symbol mode 30
T9 mode 30, 76
using numeric mode 33
using T9 Mode 32
Text input mode
changing 29
Timer 73
Tip Calculator 72
Understanding Your Phone 8
Vibration Profile 21
Video 60, 85
record 83
Visual Voicemail 48
Voice List 59
Voice Recognition 65
adaptation 69
audio modes 70
checking phone status 68
name dial 67
name lookup 67
open applications 68
Say a Command options 66
send text message 67