5. OK / Messages Key: This key
performs several useful functions:
♦ From Standby or Talk mode,
press it briefly to access the
Messages menu.
♦ From Standby mode, press and
hold it to access your Voicemail.
♦ When entering a phone number,
press it once to save the number
to the Phone Book (then follow
the prompts).
♦ When navigating a menu, press
it to select the highlighted item.
♦ When the alarm sounds, press it
to silence the alarm.
6. Up / Down Navigation Keys:
These two keys allow you to scroll
when viewing menus, the Mini-
Browser, the Phone Book, etc.
Also, both of these keys have a
special one-touch function that it
♦ In Standby or Talk mode, press
the up key to view your Phone
Book (in numerical order).
♦ In Standby or Talk mode, press
the down key to view your
Phone Book (in alphabetical