39 Voice Service
Send Text <Name>
Send Text <Name> lets you start composing text messages for any
person in your Contacts or to a phone number.
To compose a text message using Voice Service:
1. Activate voice recognition by pressing and holding .
(The phone will prompt you for a command.)
2. Say “Send Text” followed by either a name stored in your
Contacts or a valid 7, 10 or 11 digit North American phone
number naturally and clearly.
• If the phone asks you, "Did You Say," followed by the
correct number, say Yes. (You can also select the correct
number from those displayed on the screen by
pressing on the correct number.)
• If the phone asks you, "Did You Say," followed by an
incorrect number, say No. (If there are other alternatives,
the phone will prompt you with the next one. You can also
press the navigation key up or down to select the correct
number from the Choice List.)
3. Compose your text message. For more information, see "To
send a text message:" on page 87, beginning at step 6.
Send Email <Name>
Send Email <Name> lets you start composing email for any person in
your Contacts.
To compose email using Voice Service:
1. Activate voice recognition by pressing and holding .
(The phone will prompt you for a command.)
2. Say “Send Email” followed by a name stored in your