129 Pics/Videos
• Upload the picture or video to an online album.
• Send to Other to send the picture to an online service provider.
• Assign to assign the current picture as a Picture ID, Screen
Saver, or Incoming Call or the current video as your Screen
• Erase to erase the selected pictures and videos.
• Copy/Move to copy or move the files to the memory card.
• Detail/Edit to attach a text message or view the media
information associated with the picture or video.
• Album list to display the list of albums saved in your phone.
• Media Filter to filter just pictures, just videos or to display all
media types.
• Camera Mode (picture only) switches back to the camera.
• Camcorder (video only) switches back to the camcorder.
Creating an Online Album
The first time you use any of the Picture Messaging management
options involving the Picture Messaging Web site you will need to
establish a Picture Messaging password. This password will also
allow you to log in to the Picture Messaging Web site. Please contact
your service provider for the web site details to access and manage
your uploaded pictures and albums.
To create your Picture Messaging password:
1. Press , followed by for Pics/Videos.
2. Press for My Pics/Videos.