Chapter 12 - Calendar
Scheduling a Timed Appointment
You can schedule timed appointments for the current
date or for future dates.
To schedule a timed appointment for the current date:
1. Press the Calendar button on your phone to open
the calendar to the current schedule.
2. Tap
3. Enter the Subject of the appointment or tap the drop
down arrow and select a preset subject.
4. Enter the
Location if necessary.
5. Tap the drop down arrow next to the Starts: and select
the desired starting time of the appointment.
6. Tap the drop down arrow next to the
Ends: and select the
desired ending time for the appointment.
7. Select the type as either
Normal or All Day.
Note: If All Day is selected the time is automatically removed in the
start and end times to indicate that there is no time limit.
8. Tap the
Occurs box and select the desired option
9. Tap the Reminder box and select either None or Remind
. If Remind Me was selected, enter the amount of
time before you are reminded.
10. Tap
Categories and select either Business or Personal.
When finished, tap .
11. Tap the
Attendees box to invite others to the
appointment from your contacts. Contacts must have an
e-mail address to be added as an attendee.