
Chapter 16 - Other Applications
File Explorer
The file explorer application allows you to open an
explorer window similar to a desktop Windows based
system. The explorer window allows you to navigate
through the i700 to locate desired folders and files.
Launching the File Explorer
To launch the file explorer:
1. Tap Start located in the upper left corner of the screen.
2. Select Programs.
3. Tap
File Explorer.
Microsoft Reader
Use Microsoft Reader to read or listen to electronic
books. You can download books to your computer from
your favorite eBook website. Use ActiveSync to copy
the book files to your i700. The books are displayed in
the Reader Library.
Each book consists of a cover page, an optional table
of contents, and the pages of the book. Page through
the book by using the navigation key or tapping the
page number on each page. You can annotate the book
with highlighting, bookmarks, notes, and drawings. You
can also search for text and look up definitions for
words. The Reader Help book contains all the
information you'll need to use the software. To open the
Help book, tap Microsoft Reader Help from the Library