Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
2H: Personal Organizer 81
Note: If you do not have the security features setup, a popup dialog box is
displayed that tells you the security options are not configured.
4. Tap OK to exit.
Changing the Date Book View
There are four different views associated with the date book. They are:
ᮣ Day View
ᮣ Week View
ᮣ Month View
ᮣ Agenda View
Displaying Different Views
1. Choose one of the following options to change the view:
ᮣ Press the Date Book application button repeatedly to cycle through
all the date book views.
ᮣ Tap the view icons in the lower left area of the date book screen.
Week View
The week view displays the calendar events for the entire week. This view
allows you to quickly see a listing of all the events for a the week. It can
help you see overlaps and event conflicts.
To change to week view:
1. Tap the Week View icon or press the “Date Book” application
button until the week view is displayed.
2. Tap the left and right navigation controls to move between different
View Icons