Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
2E: Navigating Through Menus 54
Finding Records
You can use the Find tool application to perform a text search of your
records. When the Find icon is tapped, a pop-up screen is displayed
that allows you to enter the text you want to find. The following
applications are searched:
ᮣ Memos
ᮣ Messages
ᮣ Voice Memo
ᮣ Addresses
ᮣ Mail Messages
ᮣ To Do Items
Sorting Records
You can sort records in several different ways. Sorting is available in
applications that display lists.
ᮣ Address Book
ᮣ To Do List
ᮣ Memo Pad
ᮣ Expense
Sorting preferences can usually be changed using the menu launcher in
each application.
Private Records
Records can be made private to avoid others from viewing them if your
phone is lost or stolen. Private records remain visible until you select the
hide option in the Security application. When this setting is turned ON,
all records marked private are either not visible or masked unless a
password is entered.
Marking a Record Private
1. In the application, do one of the following:
ᮣ Create a new record and tap Edit, then tap Details.
ᮣ Select an existing record, tap Edit and then tap Details.
2. Tap the Private check box.
3. Tap OK.