My Device
Use the My Device application to configure
device settings, view support information,
personalize your CallerTunes, Ringtones, or
Wallpapers, or view battery storage information.
1. From the Home screen, tap
➔ (
My Device
2. Read the on-screen information and tap
Use the Menu key ( ) to toggle between My
Account and My Device.
The differences between My Account and My
Device are these:
• My Account
: check Activity, set Alerts and
Events, review Billing, and review your current
Plan and services.
• My Device
: access Support, view Quick Tools,
Personalize settings, and Storage & Battery.
The initial screen displays four tabs: Personalize,
Quick Tools, Support, and Storage Battery.
Displays support information such as: Device
Restart, Device Storage, My Account Feedback,
T-Mobile Forums, T-Mobile on Twitter, and T-
Tech Assist™.
Quick Tools
Quick Tools is a shortcut that allows you to view
and configure the following features and
parameters: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Data Roaming,
GPS, Brightness, Screen Timeout, and Phone
Using this menu you can personalize
CallerTunes, Ringtone, and Wallpapers.
•Caller Tunes
: allows you to choose songs for
your callers to hear.
: you can personalize your phone’s
ringtones by choosing from recordings, voices,
and more.
: you can personalize your phone’s
background by selecting wallpapers from the
Shop, Gallery, Live Wallpapers, and the
Wallpaper Gallery.
Storage & Battery
From this tab you can view Memory storage
information for the phone or memory card. You
can also view the battery level percentage and
other information.