Messaging 111
• Empty server trash
: allows you to delete your
email account’s trash bin remotely.
• Sync schedule
allows you to configure your
email sync schedule.
• Out of office settings
allows you to configure
your email’s out of office notification settings.
• Period to sync Calendar
assigns a period for
your phone to sync calendar events.
• Size to retrieve emails
configures the incoming
email size allowed to pass through to your phone
automatically without user interaction. Emails
with attachments larger than configured will
have to be retrieved manually.
• Security options
: allows you to enable several
security options such as: Encryption, Encryption
algorithm, Sign, Sign algorithms, Email
certificates, and Security policy list. These
security policies could restrict some functions
from corporate servers.
Security policy list
: lists the current email’s
security policy. These policies could restrict some
functions from corporate servers.
• Email notifications
enables the device to
display a status bar icon when new email
messages have been received.
• Select ringtone
assigns an audible ringtone
when a new or upcoming event is pending.
assigns a vibration when a new or
upcoming event is pending.
• Incoming settings
provides access to the
Domain, password, and Exchange server
•Sync Contacts
synchronizes the contacts
between your phone and the remote exchange
•Sync Calendar
synchronizes your exchange
calendar entries between your phone and the
remote exchange server.
• Sync Tasks
synchronizes your exchange tasks
entries between your phone and the remote
exchange server.
4. Press to return to the previous page.
Using Google Mail
Google Mail (Gmail) is Google’s web-based
email. When you first setup the phone, Gmail is
configured. Depending on the synchronization
settings, Gmail is automatically synchronized
with your Gmail account.
Signing into Google Mail
1. rom the Home screen, tap ➔
You must sign in to your Gmail account in
order to access features such as Google
Mail and Android Market.