Call time
This menu lets you view the time log for calls both made and received.
The actual time invoiced by T-Mobile may differ from times displayed due to network features and service plan.
The following time logs are available:
Last call time
: displays the length of your last call.
Total outgoing
: displays the total length of all calls you have made since the timer was last reset.
Total incoming
: displays the total length of all calls you have received since the timer was last reset.
Life time
: displays the total length of time for both incoming and outgoing calls. The length of call time must be at least one
minute to increment this field. This information cannot be cleared.
Vibration Mode
Vibration Mode is convenient when you wish to stop the phone from making any noise, in a theater for example.
From Idle mode, press and hold until the “
Vibration Mode On”
message and the Vibration Mode icon ( )
displays. In Vibration Mode, instead of sounds, your phone vibrates.
To exit and reactivate the previous sound settings, press and hold again until the “
Exit Vibration Mode
message displays. The Vibration Mode icon ( ) no longer displays.
Selecting Functions and Options
Your phone offers a set of functions that allow you to customize it. These functions are arranged in menus and sub-
menus, accessed using the two soft keys. Each menu and sub-menu allows you to view and alter the settings of a
particular function.
t239.book Page 22 Wednesday, March 25, 2009 12:48 PM