O r g a n i s e r
Using this menu you can also enjoy games on the
Scroll to the desired game and press the Select soft
The following options are available.
New Game: allows you to start a new game.
High Score: shows you the highest scores table.
Not all games have a high score table.
Key Info.: shows you what keys do what within the
Continue: allows you continue a previously saved
game. The menu is only available when a
game has already been saved.
While you are playing a game,
To... Then press the...
adjust the game volume volume keys
pause the game
pause and exit the game
Clock Menu 6-7
Set Time
Allows you to change the time displayed, using the
24-hour system.
N o t e : B e f o re setting the time, you must specify your
time zone, via the World Ti m emenu option (6 - 6 ) .
Set Date
Allows you to change the date displayed. Enter the
day, month and year.
Allows you to select the format of date between